Integrating third-party libraries as Unreal Engine plugins: ABI compatibility and Linux toolchain

The Unreal Build Tool (UBT) official documentation explains how to integrate a third-party library into Unreal Engine projects in a very broad way without focusing on the real problems that are (very) likely to occur while integrating the library. In particular, when the third-party library is a pre-built binary there are low-level details that must be known and that are likely to cause troubles during the integration - or even make it impossible!

Code Coverage of Unreal Engine projects

Code coverage is a widely used metric that measures the percentage of lines of code covered by automated tests. Unreal Engine doesn't come with out-of-the-box support for computing this metric, although it provides a quite good testing suite. In this article, we dive into the Unreal Build Tool (UBT) - particularly in the Linux Tool Chain - to understand what has to be modified to add the support, UBT-side, for the code coverage. Moreover, we'll show how to correctly use the lcov tool for generating the code coverage report.

Wrap up of Advent of Code 2021 in pure TensorFlow

A wrap up of my solutions to the Advent of Code 2021 puzzles in pure TensorFlow

Advent of Code 2021 in pure TensorFlow - day 12

Day 12 problem projects us the world of graphs. TensorFlow can be used to work on graphs pretty easily since a graph can be represented as an adjacency matrix, and thus, we can have a tf.Tensor containing our graph. However, the "natural" way of exploring a graph is using recursion, and as we'll see in this article, this prevents us to solve the problem using a pure TensorFlow program, but we have to work only in eager mode.