AutoML pipeline for tabular data on VertexAI in Go

Automated Machine Learning (AutoML) has revolutionized the way we approach building and deploying machine learning models. Gone are the days of painstakingly handcrafting complex models from scratch. With AutoML, the process becomes faster, more accessible, and remarkably efficient.

AutoML encompasses a suite of techniques and tools that automate various stages of the machine learning pipeline, including data preprocessing, feature engineering, model selection, hyperparameter tuning, and even deployment. By automating these steps, AutoML eliminates much of the manual labor and expertise traditionally required, allowing developers and data scientists to focus on higher-level tasks and domain-specific challenges.

One of the key advantages of AutoML is its ability to accelerate the model development process. By automating repetitive and time-consuming tasks, such as data preprocessing and feature engineering, AutoML drastically reduces the time and effort needed to go from raw data to a fully trained model. This acceleration enables faster experimentation, iteration, and deployment of models, empowering teams to deliver valuable insights and predictions more rapidly.

Moreover, AutoML democratizes machine learning by making it accessible to a wider audience. With AutoML, individuals without extensive machine learning expertise can leverage sophisticated algorithms and techniques to build high-performing models. This accessibility fosters collaboration, encourages innovation, and breaks down barriers to entry in the field of machine learning.

In this article, we will explore how Google Cloud’s VertexAI and the power of AutoML can be harnessed to develop and deploy tabular models efficiently. The focus of the article on tabular data is not accidental: there’s pretty much 0 documentation on tabular data AutoML pipelines on VertexAI and even less about the VertexAI Go client.

VertexAI Go client

Unfortunately, the official documentation for the Go client is not at the same level as the clients for other languages: Python is extremely well documented and rich in examples, as well as Java (!). Go, instead, have close to 0 examples on the official page (e.g. Create a dataset for Tabular Cloud Storage has examples only in Node.js, Python, and Java).

The only available documentation is the godoc of the auto-generated (beta!) aiplatform/apiv1beta1. We must use the beta package because the stable one does not have support for the tabular data.

Being auto-generated the interface of the Go client is not simplified and clean as (for example) the Python client. We’ll see how cumbersome using it can be soon.

The Scalable AutoML workflow

Ideally, the AutoML workflow should be so trivial to be almost no code: one should upload the data, define the task, let the AutoML service do its magic and we should get our trained model.

In practice, instead, if we want to use the various clients and not the web interface there’s a lot of code to write. This is, however, the only way to create a scalable workflow. Using a client we can automatize every process of the AutoML pipeline.

When working with tabular data we have a fixed number of steps to follow (and to automatize):

  1. Gather the data and upload it inside some supported storage. VertexAI allows 2 types of storage for structured data: BigQuery and GCS (Google Cloud Storage). When using BigQuery, the structure of the data is defined by the tables themselves; when using GCS the structure is defined by the header of the first CSV (in alphabetical order) read.
  2. Create a dataset: in this context, a dataset is an association between the data and the “abstract entity dataset” that will be created on VertexAI.
  3. Create the training pipeline. This is the expensive step. The training pipeline instantiates some hardware (configurable) and starts using it to train various models, compare them, and choose the best one. The best model is chosen according to the specified metric. The training pipeline can also apply transformations to the previously created dataset, and it’s in this step that we can decide what task to solve (classification, regression, …) and what’s the target column.
  4. Deploy the model: create an endpoint and decide how this endpoints reacts. Should the model be used for batch or online predictions? This last point is not covered in this article.

Let’s see how to perform these steps completely in Go.

The task

As usual, it would make no sense to implement all of this without a Goal. In our case, the goal is to predict sleep efficiency (a numerical score between 0 and 100, that represents the percentage of sleep with respect to the time spent in bed) given a set of other attributes gathered during the day.

The data comes in CSV format. This is a (simplified, only a few attributes are shown) view of the data: there’s the header and a row.

CaloriesSum StepsSum AverageHeartRate ActivityCalories Calories Distance PeakMinBPM SleepEfficiency
569 1015 127.00 1889.00 3283.00 6.09 169 43

Now that we have the task defined, we can go straight to the code.

Prerequisites: the project and the service file

It’s mandatory to correctly organize the workspace for this project. So we must create a new project in the Google Cloud console. This is standard practice, so I just link to the documentation.

From now on we suppose that the project ID is contained inside the environment variable VAI_PROJECT_ID.

The idea is to deploy this code somewhere, and thus the best thing to do is to create a Service Account. This is a standard practice when working with Google Cloud so I’ll just link to the official documentation: Create service accounts.

The most important part is the role setup. For the AutoML workflow we need the service account to be both:

  • Vertex AI Administrator
  • Storage Admin

Once created, please download the service account key (JSON) and store it in a secure and known location. From now on we suppose that the environment variable VAI_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_KEY points to the path of the service account key file.

Data Storage

As anticipated, tabular data has only two possible locations: BigQuery and CSV files on GCS. Since in our task the data comes in a CSV we’ll use a bucket on GCS.

Although tightly connected with VertexAI the data storage is not managed by the VertexAI package (that’s still called aiplatform), but it has its own package:

Buckets on GCP have their own peculiarities: the bucket name must be both globally unique and DNS compliant (reference).

The pattern used to interact with all the cloud services (storage or VertexAI) is always the same: create a client and use the client to interact with the cloud service. All the clients require a context (in practice always created with context.Background()).

ctx := context.Background()

// Create the storage client using the service account key file.
var storageClient *storage.Client
if storageClient, err = storage.NewClient(ctx, option.WithCredentialsFile(os.Getenv("VAI_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_KEY"))); err != nil {
    return err
defer storageClient.Close()

// Globally unique: we can use the project id as a prefix
bucketName := fmt.Sprintf("%s-user-data", os.Getenv("VAI_PROJECT_ID"))
bucket := storageClient.Bucket(bucketName)
if _, err = bucket.Attrs(ctx); err != nil {
    // GCP bucket.Attrs returns an error if the bucket does not exist
    // In theory it should be storage.ErrBucketNotExist, but in practice it's a generic error
    // So we try to create the bucket hoping that the error is due to the bucket not existing
    if err = bucket.Create(ctx, os.Getenv("VAI_PROJECT_ID"), nil); err != nil {
        return err

Please read the comment in the error handling section, because it’s a bad behavior of the client and it took me a bit of time to discover it.

With these few lines, we have been able to create a bucket (with a globally unique name) once and avoid asking for a new creation if the bucket already exists.

The second step is to upload the CSV on the bucket. However, since we want to use AutoML we need at least 1000 rows. This is not documented anywhere, and I discovered it only after setting up the whole pipeline and receiving an error (lol).

Supposing that we have all the CSV rows gathered in the slice allUserData we can sample the rows to reach at least 1000 rows.

// VertexAI autoML pipeline requires at least 1000 rows.
// Thus we random sample the data to get 1000 rows
if len(allUserData) < 1000 {
    tot := len(allUserData) - 1
    for i := 0; i < 1000-tot+2; i++ {
        allUserData = append(allUserData, allUserData[rand.Intn(tot)])

The bucket object can be used to check if a file exists (this time it works, differently for the existence of the bucket itself), and write the CSV only if it doesn’t exist.

Let’s suppose that we have a function that accepts all the CSV rows (allUserData) prepends a line containing the header, and eventually concatenates in a single string all the lines. This is the userDataToCsv function.

var csv string
if csv, err = userDataToCSV(allUserData); err != nil {
    return err
// csv now is our complete csv file content, to be stored on the bucket

csvOnBucket := "user_data.csv"
obj := bucket.Object(csvOnBucket)
if _, err = obj.Attrs(ctx); err == storage.ErrObjectNotExist {
    w := obj.NewWriter(ctx)
    if _, err := w.Write([]byte(csv)); err != nil {
        return err
    if err := w.Close(); err != nil {
        return err

The first step is completed. We have a bucket and we have a CSV file on the bucket.

Create a Dataset on VertexAI

As previously mentioned, in the VertexAI context a dataset can be thought of as an association between the data on the bucket and an abstract entity used by the training pipeline to loop over and transform the data.

Now we can start using the VertexAI client, imported as follows. Reminder: we must use the beta package because the stable package doesn’t provide support for tabular data.

import (
    vai ""
    vaipb ""

Together with the VertexAI client (vai) we import also the protobuf package of VertexAI containing the protobuf to use to make requests together with the structpb package that we’ll later use to easily go from JSON to protobuf and vice-versa.

To work with datasets we have to create a DatasetClient. Although not documented anywhere it’s mandatory to specify the VertexAI location of the project (the region, e.g. us-central1): reference. We suppose that the location is available in the VAI_LOCATION environment variable.

// Create a dataset from the training data (associate the bucket with the dataset)
var datasetClient *vai.DatasetClient
vaiEndpoint := fmt.Sprintf("", os.Getenv("VAI_LOCATION"))
if datasetClient, err = vai.NewDatasetClient(
    option.WithCredentialsFile(os.Getenv("VAI_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_KEY"))); err != nil {
    return err
defer datasetClient.Close()

With the datasetClient object we can manage datasets available in the specified project (that’s present in the service account key) and in the specified location (region).

We don’t want to create a new dataset if it already exists, so we can use the ListDatasets method that allows us to list and filter the available datasets. If the err != nil (so no dataset has been found matching the filter criteria) then we create the dataset that will loop over the CSV stored in the bucket.

datasetName := "user-dataset"
var dataset *vaipb.Dataset
datasetsIterator := datasetClient.ListDatasets(ctx, &vaipb.ListDatasetsRequest{
    Parent: fmt.Sprintf("projects/%s/locations/%s", os.Getenv("VAI_PROJECT_ID"), os.Getenv("VAI_LOCATION")),
    Filter: fmt.Sprintf(`display_name="%s"`, datasetName),

if dataset, err = datasetsIterator.Next(); err != nil {
    // The correct format is: {"input_config": {"gcs_source": {"uri": ["gs://bucket/path/to/file.csv"]}}}
    // Ref the code here:
    csvURI := fmt.Sprintf("gs://%s/%s", bucketName, csvOnBucket)
    var metadata structpb.Struct
    err = metadata.UnmarshalJSON([]byte(fmt.Sprintf(`{"input_config": {"gcs_source": {"uri": ["%s"]}}}`, csvURI)))
    if err != nil {
        return err

    req := &vaipb.CreateDatasetRequest{
        // Required. The resource name of the Location to create the Dataset in.
        // Format: `projects/{project}/locations/{location}`
        Parent: fmt.Sprintf("projects/%s/locations/%s", os.Getenv("VAI_PROJECT_ID"), os.Getenv("VAI_LOCATION")),
        Dataset: &vaipb.Dataset{
            DisplayName: datasetName,
            Description: "user data",
            // No metadata schema because it's a tabular dataset, and "tabular dataset does not support data import"
            MetadataSchemaUri: "gs://google-cloud-aiplatform/schema/dataset/metadata/tabular_1.0.0.yaml",
            Metadata: structpb.NewStructValue(&metadata),

    var createDatasetOp *vai.CreateDatasetOperation
    if createDatasetOp, err = datasetClient.CreateDataset(ctx, req); err != nil {
        return err
    if dataset, err = createDatasetOp.Wait(ctx); err != nil {
        return err

The correct parameters for the CreateDatasetRequest haven’t been trivial to discover, so it’s worth detailing the non-trivial one:

  • MetadataSchemaUri: Thus parameter must contain a valid schema in YAML format among the supported schemas. You can use the gcloud storage ls <path> command to see all the available schemas. For tabular data the full path of the schema is gs://google-cloud-aiplatform/schema/dataset/metadata/tabular_1.0.0.yaml
  • MetadataSchema: for tabular data this attribute must be empty. And it makes sense! Since the schema of the data is available in the data itself (the CSV header or the tables descriptions).
  • Metadata: the most complex parameter to find. But it’s where the association between the CSV on the bucket and the dataset happens. The Go API wants this value as a structpb.Value, but in practice is just JSON that will be sent to the server. Of course, the JSON must be well-formatted and all the required fields must be present. I found the correct JSON to send looking at the Java (!) example. The easiest way to go from JSON to structpb.Value is to use the UnmarshalJSON method of structpb.Struct, that will create a structpb.Struct from a JSON, and then convert the structpb.Struct to a structpb.Value with the structpb.NewStructValue function call.

So far so good. We now have a *vaipb.Dataset to use in our training pipeline. Let’s go create it!

Training pipeline on VertexAI

As usual, the first step for interacting with a service on VertexAI is to create a dedicated client. In this case, we need a PipelineClient.

var pipelineClient *vai.PipelineClient
if pipelineClient, err = vai.NewPipelineClient(ctx, option.WithEndpoint(vaiEndpoint)); err != nil {
    return err
defer pipelineClient.Close()

After that, we need to formulate the correct request with the client. Once again, the documentation is very hard to find and the only place where I found all the parameters required to formulate a REST request is the Italian documentation (if I switch to English the documentation disappears!), where I can find:

    "trainingTaskDefinition": "gs://google-cloud-aiplatform/schema/trainingjob/definition/automl_tabular_1.0.0.yaml",
    "trainingTaskInputs": {
        "targetColumn": "TARGET_COLUMN",
        "weightColumn": "WEIGHT_COLUMN",
        "predictionType": "regression",
        "trainBudgetMilliNodeHours": TRAINING_BUDGET,
        "optimizationObjective": "OPTIMIZATION_OBJECTIVE",
        "transformations": [
            {"TRANSFORMATION_TYPE_1":  {"column_name" : "COLUMN_NAME_1"} },
            {"TRANSFORMATION_TYPE_2":  {"column_name" : "COLUMN_NAME_2"} },
    "modelToUpload": {"displayName": "MODEL_DISPLAY_NAME"},
    "inputDataConfig": {
      "datasetId": "DATASET_ID",

That’s the body of the request to send to the API endpoint if we are interacting with VertexAI using a pure REST client. With our pipelineClient we need to create the very same request, but according to the API requirements.

All the fields in UPPER CASE are the variable fields that we need to adapt to our problem. Using the client we have control over the "trainingTaskInputs" fields.

In particular (another thing not documented clearly and found after trial & error and a log of Googling around in the Python source code) we must specify all the columns and the transformations to apply (mandatory) except for the target column, which mustn’t have any transformation applied (note: the transformations can be all “auto” automatically determined by the data itself).

var modelDisplayName string = "sleep-efficiency-predictor"
var targetColumn string = "SleepEfficiency"

var trainingPipeline *vaipb.TrainingPipeline

// Create the Training Task Inputs
var trainingTaskInput structpb.Struct
// reference:

// Create the transformations for all the columns (required)
var transformations string
tot := len(csvHeaders(allUserData)) - 1
for i, header := range csvHeaders(allUserData) {
    if header == targetColumn {
        // skip the target column, it mustn't be included in the transformations

    } else {
        transformations += fmt.Sprintf(`{"auto": {"column_name": "%s"}}`, header)
    if i < tot {
        transformations += ","

if err = trainingTaskInput.UnmarshalJSON([]byte(
            "targetColumn": "%s",
            "predictionType": "regression",
            "trainBudgetMilliNodeHours": "1000",
            "optimizationObjective": "minimize-rmse",
            "transformations": [%s]
        }`, targetColumn, transformations))); err != nil {
    return err

Now we have all the inputs defined, and we are ready to create our training pipeline. Once again, there are parameters to specify that are not clearly documented.

  • Parent is the name of the resource location where to create the training pipeline (this information seems redundant)
  • TrainingTaskDefinition is the URI (available on the public bucket where all the AutoML training job definitions are published) that describes the AutoML training job on tabular data.
  • InputDataConfig is a structure to fill with the Dataset ID (previously created)
  • TrainingTaskInputs is the JSON (converted into the corresponding protobuf representation) that describes all the inputs for the training pipeline.
if trainingPipeline, err = pipelineClient.CreateTrainingPipeline(ctx, &vaipb.CreateTrainingPipelineRequest{
    // Required. The resource name of the Location to create the TrainingPipeline
    // in. Format: `projects/{project}/locations/{location}`
    Parent: fmt.Sprintf("projects/%s/locations/%s", os.Getenv("VAI_PROJECT_ID"), os.Getenv("VAI_LOCATION")),
    TrainingPipeline: &vaipb.TrainingPipeline{
        DisplayName:            modelDisplayName,
        TrainingTaskDefinition: "gs://google-cloud-aiplatform/schema/trainingjob/definition/automl_tables_1.0.0.yaml",
        InputDataConfig: &vaipb.InputDataConfig{
            DatasetId: datasetId,
        TrainingTaskInputs: structpb.NewStructValue(&trainingTaskInput),
}); err != nil {
    if s, ok := status.FromError(err); ok {
        for _, d := range s.Proto().Details {
    return err

Here we go!

We can monitor for the next 1h (because the “traingBudgetMilleNodeHours” has been set to 1000 milliseconds = 1h of training time) the created training pipeline by querying the trainingPipeline in a loop (or whatever):

fmt.Println("Training pipeline ID:", trainingPipeline.GetName())
fmt.Println("Training pipeline display name:", trainingPipeline.GetDisplayName())
fmt.Println("Training pipeline input data config:", trainingPipeline.GetInputDataConfig())
fmt.Println("Training pipeline training task inputs:", trainingPipeline.GetTrainingTaskInputs())
fmt.Println("Training pipeline state:", trainingPipeline.GetState())
fmt.Println("Training pipeline error:", trainingPipeline.GetError())
fmt.Println("Training pipeline create time:", trainingPipeline.GetCreateTime())
fmt.Println("Training pipeline start time:", trainingPipeline.GetStartTime())
fmt.Println("Training pipeline end time:", trainingPipeline.GetEndTime())

At the end of this process, we end up with a trained model stored on the Vertex AI model registry. During the training, we can open the dashboard of VertexAI and monitor the training process from that location as well.


In this article, we explored the process of developing and deploying tabular models using Google Cloud’s VertexAI and the power of AutoML, all using the Go programming language. While the official documentation for the VertexAI Go client may currently be lacking in comparison to other languages, we discovered how to leverage the available resources effectively.

We started by understanding the benefits of AutoML, including its ability to accelerate the model development process and democratize machine learning by making it accessible to a wider audience. With AutoML, developers and data scientists can focus on higher-level tasks and achieve faster iterations and deployments of models.

Next, we delved into the practical aspects of the scalable AutoML workflow for tabular data. We covered the essential steps required, such as gathering and uploading the data to supported storage (BigQuery or Google Cloud Storage), creating a dataset that associates the data with an abstract entity on VertexAI, setting up the training pipeline, and let the training pipeline train all the models and giving us the best one found at the end of the training.

Although the official Go client documentation may lack explicit examples, we discovered that the auto-generated apiv1beta1 package provides the necessary functionality to interact with VertexAI. While the interface may not be as streamlined as the Python client, we explored how to navigate and utilize it effectively for automating the AutoML pipeline in Go. Anyway, discovering how to correctly use the client has been a long journey rich of trial and error (a PITA, in all honesty).

By following the step-by-step instructions provided in this article, Go developers can overcome the initial hurdles and harness the power of VertexAI and AutoML to develop and deploy tabular models efficiently. The ability to leverage Go for machine learning tasks opens up exciting opportunities for Go enthusiasts and empowers them to create intelligent applications with ease.

A final note: working on Google Cloud has a cost. This article has been possible thanks to the Google ML Developer Programs team that supported this work by providing Google Cloud Credit.

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