Advent of Code 2021 in pure TensorFlow - day 2

Day 2 challenge is very similar to the one faced in day 1. In this article, we’ll see how to integrate Python enums with TensorFlow, while using the very same design nuances used for the day 1 challenge.

Day 2: Dive!: part one

You can click on the title above to read the full text of the puzzle. The TLDR version is:

You are given a dataset in the format

action amount

Where action is a string in the set forward, down, up and the amount is an integer to add/subtract to a dedicated counter. These counters represent the position on the horizontal plane and a depth (in the adventure, we are in a submarine). For example:

forward 5
down 5
forward 8
up 3
down 8
forward 2

forward 5 increases by 5 the horizontal position, down 5 adds 5 to the depth, and up 3 decreases the depth by 3. The objective is to compute the final horizontal position and depth and multiply these values together. In the example, we end up with a horizontal position of 15 and a depth of 15, for a final result of 150.

Design phase

Being very very similar to the task solved for day one, the same considerations about the sequential nature and the statefulness of the TensorFlow program hold.

This puzzle is not only sequential but also involves the creation of a mapping between the action and the counter to increment.

There are many different ways of implementing this mapping, TensorFlow provides us all the tooling needed. For example, we could use a MutableHashTable to map the actions to the counters, but being in the experimental module I’d suggest avoiding using it. Instead, we can implement our own very, very coarse mapping method using a Python Enum.

The peculiarity of the Enum usage in TensorFlow is that we cannot use the basic Enum type, because it has no TensorFlow data-type equivalent. TensorFlow needs to know everything about the data its manipulating, and therefore it prevents the creation of Enums. We, have to use basic TensorFlow types like tf.int64 and, thus, use an Enum specialization like IntEnum.

from enum import IntEnum, auto

class Action(IntEnum):
    """Action enum, to map the direction read to an action to perform."""

    INCREASE_DEPTH = auto()
    DECREASE_DEPTH = auto()

Input pipeline

Exactly like during day 1 we can use a TextLineDataset to read all the lines of the input dataset. This time, while we read the lines we need to apply a slightly more complicated mapping function. I defined the _processor function to split every line, map the action string to the corresponding Action enum value, and convert the amount to a tf.int64. The function returns the pair (Action, amount).

def _processor(line):
    splits = tf.strings.split(line)
    direction = splits[0]
    amount = splits[1]

    if tf.equal(direction, "forward"):
        action = Action.INCREASE_HORIZONTAL
    elif tf.equal(direction, "down"):
        action = Action.INCREASE_DEPTH
    elif tf.equal(direction, "up"):
        action = Action.DECREASE_DEPTH
        action = -1
    #    tf.debugging.Assert(False, f"Unhandled direction: {direction}")

    amount = tf.strings.to_number(amount, out_type=tf.int64)
    return action, amount

dataset ="input").map(_processor)

Note that every function passed to every method of a instances will always be executed in graph mode. That’s why I had to add the action = -1 statement in the last else branch (and I couldn’t use the assertion). In fact, the if statement is converted to a tf.cond by autograph, and since in the true_fn we modify a node (action) defined outside the tf.cond call, autograph forces us to modify the same node also in the else statement, in order to be able to create a direct acyclic graph in every scenario.

Moreover, I can use the -1 without any problem because the IntEnum members are always positive when declared (as I did) with auto(), hence -1 is an always invalid item (and a condition that will never be reached).

Position counter

Similar to the solution of day 1, we define our PositionCounter as a complete TensorFlow program with 2 states (variables). A variable for keeping track of the horizontal position and another for the depth.

class PositionCounter(tf.Module):
    """Stateful counter. Get the final horizontal position and depth."""

    def __init__(self):
        self._horizontal_position = tf.Variable(0, trainable=False, dtype=tf.int64)
        self._depth = tf.Variable(0, trainable=False, dtype=tf.int64)

    def __call__(self, dataset: -> Tuple[tf.Tensor, tf.Tensor]:
            dataset: dataset yielding tuples (action, value), where action is
                     a valida Action enum.
            (horizontal_position, depth)
        for action, amount in dataset:
            if tf.equal(action, Action.INCREASE_DEPTH):
            elif tf.equal(action, Action.DECREASE_DEPTH):
            elif tf.equal(action, Action.INCREASE_HORIZONTAL):
        return self._horizontal_position, self._depth

The call method accepts our that yields tuples and performs the correct action on the states.


counter = PositionCounter()
horizontal_position, depth = counter(dataset)
result = horizontal_position * depth
tf.print("[part one] result: ", result)

Just create an instance of the PositionCounter and call it over the dataset previously created. Using type annotations while defining our functions simplifies their usage.

A limitation of the type annotation when used with TensorFlow is pretty easy to spot: we only have the tf.Tensor type, and the information of the TensorFlow data type (e.g. tf.int64, tf.string, tf.bool, …) is not available.

A possible (partial) solution is provided by the package tensor_annotations by Deepmind: TensorAnnotations.

Anyway, the execution gives the correct result :) and this brings us to part 2.

Day 2: Dive!: part two

TLDR: there’s a small modification of the challenge, that adds a new state. In short, there’s now to keep track of another variable called aim. Now, down, up, and forward have a different meanings:

  • down X increases your aim by X units.
  • up X decreases your aim by X units.
  • forward X does two things:
    • It increases your horizontal position by X units.
    • It increases your depth by your aim multiplied by X.

Design phase - part two

It’s just a matter of extending the Action enum defined at the beginning, adding the _aim variable, and acting accordingly to the new requirements in the call method. Without rewriting the complete solution, we can just expand the enum as follows

class Action(IntEnum):
    """Action enum, to map the direction read to an action to perform."""

    INCREASE_DEPTH = auto()
    DECREASE_DEPTH = auto()
    INCREASE_AIM = auto()
    DECREASE_AIM = auto()

And having defined the _aim variable in the same way of the _depth and _horizontal_position, update the call body as follows:

for action, amount in dataset:
    if tf.equal(action, Action.INCREASE_DEPTH):
    elif tf.equal(action, Action.DECREASE_DEPTH):
    elif tf.equal(action, Action.INCREASE_HORIZONTAL):
    elif tf.equal(action, Action.INCREASE_HORIZONTAL_MUTIPLY_BY_AIM):
        self._depth.assign_add(self._aim * amount)
    elif tf.equal(action, Action.DECREASE_AIM):
    elif tf.equal(action, Action.INCREASE_AIM):
return self._horizontal_position, self._depth

Execution - part two

The execution is identical to the previous one, there’s no need to repeat it here. So, also the second puzzle is gone :)


You can see the complete solution in folder 2 on the dedicated Github repository:

I created two different files for the two different parts, only because I’m lazy. There’s for sure a more elegant solution without 2 different programs, but since the challenge was more or less a copy-paste of the one faced on day 1 I wasn’t stimulated enough to write a single elegant solution.

The day 2 exercise is really easy and almost identical to the one presented on day 1. Also from the TensorFlow side, there are not many peculiarities to highlight.

I showed how to use Enums (in short, we can only use types that are TensorFlow compatible, hence no pure python Enums) and I presented a limitation that’s related to the missing typing of the tf.Tensor in the type annotations, but that’s all.

A possible (partial) solution is provided by the package tensor_annotations by Deepmind: TensorAnnotations - however, this package helps only partially because when creating TensorFlow programs we are interested also in the type and not just to the name of the field (e.g. Batch, Time, Height, …), and it looks like the package doesn’t provide support for what I do really need.

Luckily, I’ve already completed the challenges for days 3 and 4. Both of them are interesting, and in both, we’ll see some interesting features of TensorFlow. A little spoiler, we’ll use the tf.TensorArray :)

The next article about my pure TensorFlow solution for day 3 will arrive soon!

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