Advent of Code 2022 in pure TensorFlow - Days 3 & 4

The solutions in pure TensorFlow I designed for days 3 and 4 are both completely based upon the object. In fact, both problems can be seen as the streaming manipulation of the data that’s being read from an input dataset.

The first problem (day 3) solution uses TensorFlow features like tf.sets, tf.ragged, and tf.lookup together with the object. The second problem, instead, is completely solved only using TensorFlow primitive operations while looping and transforming the input dataset.

Day 3: Rucksack Reorganization: part one

You can click on the title above to read the full text of the puzzle. The TLDR version is: the Elves are carrying rucksacks. Every rucksack is described by its content (the puzzle input).

The puzzle input is something like


The rucksack contains 2 compartments and thus the first half (e.g. vJrwpWtwJgWr) is placed inside the first compartment and the second compartment contains the remaining half (hcsFMMfFFhFp).

The problem asks us, for each rucksack:

  1. To find the only common item type present in both compartments (e.g. for the first rucksack is the letter p).
  2. Assigning a priority to every item (a to z have priorities 1 to 26, and A to Z have priorities 27 to 52) and getting the sum of priorities of the common item types (e.g. 16 (p), 38 (L), 42 (P), 22 (v), 20 (t), and 19 (s); the sum of these is 157).

Design Phase

The problem can be breakdown into 4 simple steps:

  1. Read the data
  2. Split every line in the 2 compartments (pair)
  3. Map every item to its corresponding priority and work directly on the priority instead of the letters (there’s a 1:1 mapping)
  4. Find the common priorities (items) for every pair and sum them

As anticipated in the previous article the input pipeline will never change in the AoC problems, thus this part won’t be presented in the article. It is, and always will be, a dataset that produces tf.string items (every single line read from the input).

Splitting strings: ragged tensors

The tf.strings module contains several utilities for working with tf.Tensor with dtype=tf.string. For splitting in two identical halves every line, the tf.strings.substr function is perfectly suited. Since we want to apply the same transformation to every line of the dataset we can define a function (that, thus, we’ll always be executed in graph mode) that process the line and returns the two strings.

def split(line):
    length = tf.strings.length(line) // 2
    position = length

    return tf.strings.substr(line, pos=0, len=length), tf.strings.substr(
        line, pos=position, len=length

The code is trivial. The only thing to note is that strings are a variable-length data type. Thus, functions like substr, or split cannot return a tf.Tensor since a tf.Tensor is always made of identical dimensions (e.g. every element in a Tensor has a well-defined shape). Instead, these functions work with tf.RaggedTensors as input or output.

Applying this transformation is just the invocation of the .map method over the input dataset.

splitted_dataset =

The splitted_dataset is a whose elements are 2 ragged tensors.

Items to priority: StaticHashTable

The mapping between items and the corresponding priorities is known in advance (and not known at runtime), thus we can create a lookup table that given a character, it returns the corresponding priority. The perfect tool is the tf.lookup.StaticHashTable`.

TensorFlow’s flexibility allows us to create this mapping in a single call. We only need

  1. The characters to map (we can write manually the lowercase/uppercase alphabet or get this constant from the python string module)
  2. The priority values
keys_tensor = tf.concat(
vals_tensor = tf.concat([tf.range(1, 27), tf.range(27, 53)], 0)

item_priority_lut = tf.lookup.StaticHashTable(
    tf.lookup.KeyValueTensorInitializer(keys_tensor, vals_tensor), default_value=-1

we now have a lookup table ready to use. Thus, we can create a to_priority(first, second) function that will map every character in first and second to their corresponding priority.

TensorFlow allows us to do the mapping of every character to its priority in parallel. Using tf.strings.byte_split we can pass from a string (“abc..”) to a tensor of characters (‘a’, ‘b’, ‘c’, …).

def to_priority(first, second):
    first = tf.strings.bytes_split(first)
    second = tf.strings.bytes_split(second)
    return item_priority_lut.lookup(first), item_priority_lut.lookup(second)

as anticipated, the lookup is done in parallel (the first parameter input to lookup is a tensor of characters, and the lookup for every character is done in a single pass).

The to_priority function returns a pair of tf.Tensor containing the corresponding priorities.

Once again, applying the transformation to the dataset is trivial

splitted_priority_dataset =

Finding common priorities: tf.sets and tf.sparse.SparseTensor

Working with sets in TensorFlow is not as simple as working with sets in other languages. In fact, every function in the tf.sets module accepts a particular input data representation.

You cannot pass, for example, two tensors like (1,2,3) and (1,0,0) to the tf.sets.intersection function, and expect to get the value 1. You need to reshape them, making the input parameters behave like an array of sets represented as a sparse tensor (since TensorFlow is designed for executing the same operation in parallel). That’s why you’ll see the tf.expand_dims call in the code below.

def to_common(first, second):
    first = tf.expand_dims(first, 0)
    second = tf.expand_dims(second, 0)
    intersection = tf.sets.intersection(first, second)
    return tf.squeeze(tf.sparse.to_dense(intersection))

The intersection is a tf.sparse.SparseTensor that’s a compact representation for a tf.Tensor. Usually, this representation is very useful when working with “sparse problems” (e.g. problems dealing with huge matrices/tensors where the majority of the elements are 0). For our problem instead, it’s useless and we can get the dense representation from its sparse counterpart (with tf.sparse.to_dense), and then return the single common priority as a scalar tensor by squeezing all the dimensions of size 1 from the shape of the dense tensor.

Once again, we transform the dataset

common_elements =

Perfect! The common_elements is a that contains the common priority for every line of the original dataset. We can now loop over it (list) and covert it to a tf.Tensor so we can use the tf.reduce_sum for getting the sum of the identified common priorities.

tensor = tf.convert_to_tensor(list(common_elements.as_numpy_iterator()))
tf.print("sum of priorities of common elements: ", tf.reduce_sum(tensor))

Part one: ✅

Day 3: Rucksack Reorganization: part two

The second part of the problem asks us to do not to consider a single rucksack, but a group of 3 rucksacks. Every 3 rucksacks have a single element in common, we need to identify it, find its priority, and get the sum of these newly identified priorities.

The problem can be breakdown into 3 steps:

  1. Create the group of characters: using is trivial, it means to just call batch(3).
  2. Mapping the characters to the priorities
  3. Find the common priority for every batch (instead of every line as we did in the previous part) and sum them.

The steps to follow are very similar to part 1, so instead of detailing every single step, we can just go straight to the solution.

# batch
grouped_dataset = dataset.batch(3)

# mapping
grouped_priority_dataset =
    lambda line: item_priority_lut.lookup(tf.strings.bytes_split(line))

def to_common_in_batch(batch):
    intersection = tf.sets.intersection(
            tf.expand_dims(batch[0], 0), tf.expand_dims(batch[1], 0)
        tf.expand_dims(batch[2], 0),
    return tf.squeeze(tf.sparse.to_dense(intersection))

grouped_common_elements =
tensor = tf.convert_to_tensor(list(grouped_common_elements.as_numpy_iterator()))
tf.print("sum of priorities of grouped by 3 elements: ", tf.reduce_sum(tensor))

Here we go, day 3 problem solved!

The day 4 problem is quite easy and, from the TensorFlow point of view, it doesn’t use new functionalities. So it’s not worth writing a dedicated article about it but I’ll try to summarize the main peculiarities in the section below.

Day 4: Camp Cleanup: part one

You can click on the title above to read the full text of the puzzle. The TLDR version is: given a list of pairs of ranges (the puzzle input) we need to count in how many pairs one range fully contains the other.

The puzzle input is something like


Thus, the first pair is made of the range (2,3,4) and (6,7,8). They have no elements in common and thus it doesn’t satisfy the requirement. The ranges 2-8 and 3-7, instead satisfy this requirement since 3-7 (3,4,5,6,7) is fully contained in 2-8 (2,3,4,5,7,8).

Problem breakdown:

  1. Parse the data and get the start and end number for every range in every pair
  2. Just filter ( the dataset, and keep only the elements that satisfy the condition.
pairs = line: tf.strings.split(line, ","))
ranges =
    lambda pair: tf.strings.to_number(tf.strings.split(pair, "-"), tf.int64)

contained = ranges.filter(
    lambda pair: tf.logical_or(
            tf.math.less_equal(pair[0][0], pair[1][0]),
            tf.math.greater_equal(pair[0][1], pair[1][1]),
            tf.math.less_equal(pair[1][0], pair[0][0]),
            tf.math.greater_equal(pair[1][1], pair[0][1]),

It’s really just a filter function over the element of a dataset. To solve the problem, we just need to count the elements of this dataset. We can do it by looping over it, converting the result to a tf.Tensor and get its outer dimension.

pairs = line: tf.strings.split(line, ","))
ranges =
    lambda pair: tf.strings.to_number(tf.strings.split(pair, "-"), tf.int64)

contained = ranges.filter(
    lambda pair: tf.logical_or(
            tf.math.less_equal(pair[0][0], pair[1][0]),
            tf.math.greater_equal(pair[0][1], pair[1][1]),
            tf.math.less_equal(pair[1][0], pair[0][0]),
            tf.math.greater_equal(pair[1][1], pair[0][1]),
contained_tensor = tf.convert_to_tensor(
    list(iter( ragged: tf.sparse.to_dense(ragged.to_sparse()))))
tf.print("Fully contained ranges: ", tf.shape(contained_tensor)[0])

Part 1 completed!

Day 4: Camp Cleanup: part two

The second part of the problem simply asks to find the number of ranges that partially overlap (e.g. 5-7,7-9 overlaps in a single section (7), 2-8,3-7 overlaps all of the sections 3 through 7, and so on…).

The solution is even easier than the previous part.

overlapping = ranges.filter(
    lambda pair: tf.logical_not(
            tf.math.less(pair[0][1], pair[1][0]),
            tf.math.less(pair[1][1], pair[0][0]),

overlapping_tensor = tf.convert_to_tensor(
        iter( ragged: tf.sparse.to_dense(ragged.to_sparse())))

tf.print("Overlapping ranges: ", tf.shape(overlapping_tensor)[0])

That’s all, day 4 problem is completely solved in pure TensorFlow!


You can see the complete solutions in folders 3 and 4 in the dedicated GitHub repository (in the 2022 folder):

Solving these 2 problems has been straightforward and, in practice, both solutions are just transformations of every line of the input dataset to something else, until we end up with a single tf.Tensor containing the result we are looking for.

So far, TensorFlow has demonstrated to be flexible enough for solving these simple programming challenges. Anyway, I’ve already solved other problems, and some of them will show the limitations of using TensorFlow as a generic programming language (and perhaps, I found some bugs!).

If you missed the article about the previous days’ solutions, here’s a link: Advent of Code 2022 in pure TensorFlow - Days 1 & 2.

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