The Day 11 problem has lots in common with Day 9. In fact, will re-use some computer vision concepts like the pixel neighborhood, and we’ll be able to solve both parts in pure TensorFlow by using only a tf.queue
as a support data structure.
Day 11: Dumbo Octopus
You can click on the title above to read the full text of the puzzle. The TLDR version is:
Our dataset is a grid of numbers. Every number represents an energy level of an octopus. On every time step, every energy level increases by 1 unit, and when the energy level goes beyond 9, the octopus flashes. When an octopus flashes it increases the energy level of all (in every direction) the octopus in the neighborhood. This may trigger a cascade of flashes. Finally, any octopus that flashed during this time step, rests its energy level to 0.
For example:
Before any steps:
After step 1:
After step 2:
An octopus is highlighted when it flashed during the given time step. Part one asks us to find out how many total flashes are there after 100 steps?
Design phase: part one
The problem requires modeling the increment on every time step, and the propagation of the increment to the neighborhood when an energy level goes beyond 9. Thus, considering the input dataset as a 2D grayscale image, we can treat every energy level as a pixel. Thus, we need:
- Define a function that given a pixel returns the 8-neighborhood coordinates. Differently from the solution presented in day 9: design phase, where the problem required us to only look at the 4-neighborhood, this time we need to consider also the diagonal pixels. Moreover, we can’t simplify in the same way the problem padding the input image, since every update may trigger a cascade of updates that may involve the padding pixel introduced, and we don’t want it.
- Given that every flash may trigger a cascade of flash, we need to increment by 1 every value in the neighborhood of a flashing pixel and keep track of all the neighbors that exceeded the value of 9. Pushing the coordinates into a queue, and repeating the process for every pixel in the queue until the propagation is not complete.
Input pipeline
We create a
object for reading the text file line-by-line as usual. Since we want to work with all the pixels at once, we convert the dataset in a 2D tf.Tensor
- this is our octopus population.
population = tf.convert_to_tensor(
.map(lambda string: tf.strings.to_number(string, out_type=tf.int64))
We can now start implementing our TensorFlow program for solving part 1. We can start by the definition of the _neighs
The 8-neighborhood
The first point of the design phase explains why we need to take care of the 8-neighborhood without padding the input. Hence, our neighborhood will contain 8
pixels if we are inside the image. It will contain 3
or 5
pixels of we are on a corner or on the side of the image, respectively.
We need to take care of these conditions manually.
def _neighs(grid: tf.Tensor, center: tf.Tensor) -> Tuple[tf.Tensor, tf.Tensor]:
y, x = center[0], center[1]
shape = tf.shape(grid, tf.int64) - 1
if tf.logical_and(tf.less(y, 1), tf.less(x, 1)): # 0,0
mask = tf.constant([(1, 0), (0, 1), (1, 1)])
elif tf.logical_and(tf.equal(y, shape[0]), tf.equal(x, shape[1])): # h,w
mask = tf.constant([(-1, 0), (0, -1), (-1, -1)])
elif tf.logical_and(tf.less(y, 1), tf.equal(x, shape[1])): # top right
mask = tf.constant([(0, -1), (1, 0), (1, -1)])
elif tf.logical_and(tf.less(x, 1), tf.equal(y, shape[0])): # bottom left
mask = tf.constant([(-1, 0), (-1, 1), (0, 1)])
elif tf.less(x, 1): # left
mask = tf.constant([(1, 0), (-1, 0), (-1, 1), (0, 1), (1, 1)])
elif tf.equal(x, shape[0]): # right
mask = tf.constant([(-1, 0), (1, 0), (0, -1), (-1, -1), (1, -1)])
elif tf.less(y, 1): # top
mask = tf.constant([(0, -1), (0, 1), (1, 0), (1, -1), (1, 1)])
elif tf.equal(y, shape[1]): # bottom
mask = tf.constant([(0, -1), (0, 1), (-1, 0), (-1, -1), (-1, 1)])
else: # generic
mask = tf.constant(
[(-1, 0), (0, -1), (1, 0), (0, 1), (-1, -1), (1, 1), (-1, 1), (1, -1)]
coords = center + tf.cast(mask, tf.int64)
neighborhood = tf.gather_nd(grid, coords)
return neighborhood, coords
The _neihgs
function accepts the grid
(2D tf.Tensor
) and the coordinate of a pixel, that’s the center
of the neighborhood.
Depending on the center
coordinate respect to the grid, the function builds a different mask used to create the pixel coordinate and gather the value in that coordinates.
Note that TensorFlow coordinates, by convention, are in y,x
format and not in x,y
format. We are now ready for implementing the algorithm.
Simulating the population behavior
The puzzle asks us to simulate 100 steps, and count how many flashes happened during them. Thus, we need to completely simulate the octopus population behavior over time.
We already have our data organized in a grid, and from the second point of the design phase, we know that the unique data structure needed for model the propagation is a tf.queue
def __init__(self, population, steps):
self._steps = steps
self._population = tf.Variable(population, dtype=tf.int64)
self._counter = tf.Variable(0, dtype=tf.int64)
self._zero = tf.constant(0, dtype=tf.int64)
self._one = tf.constant(1, dtype=tf.int64)
self._nine = tf.constant(9, tf.int64)
self._ten = tf.constant(10, dtype=tf.int64)
self._queue = tf.queue.FIFOQueue(-1, [tf.int64])
self._flashmap = tf.Variable(tf.zeros_like(self._population))
The constructor requires the population and the number of steps to simulate. The population
input variable is then used to initialize a tf.Variable
that we’ll use to store the population status after every time step.
The _counter
variable will be our puzzle output, and the _flashmap
is a helper variable with the same shape of the population that we use to keep track of the flashing pixels during every time step - so we can know what pixel flashed and keep track of them.
Other than the _queue
used for modeling the flash propagation, we also define some constant with the dtype tf.int64
that we’ll later use inside the TensorFlow program. This is a good practice to follow since we avoid the creation of several different (and useless) constants in the graph, and we’ll always refer to the same constants instead.
Modeling the population behavior is straightforward - it’s just a matter of converting in TensorFlow code the puzzle instructions.
def __call__(self):
for step in tf.range(self._steps):
# First, the energy level of each octopus increases by 1.
# Then, any octopus with an energy level greater than 9 flashes.
flashing_coords = tf.where(tf.greater(self._population, self._nine))
# This increases the energy level of all adjacent octopuses by 1, including octopuses that are diagonally adjacent.
# If this causes an octopus to have an energy level greater than 9, it also flashes.
# This process continues as long as new octopuses keep having their energy level increased beyond 9.
# (An octopus can only flash at most once per step.)
while tf.greater(self._queue.size(), 0):
p = self._queue.dequeue()
if tf.greater(self._flashmap[p[0], p[1]], 0):
self._flashmap.scatter_nd_update([p], [1])
_, neighs_coords = self._neighs(self._population, p)
updates = tf.repeat(
tf.shape(neighs_coords, tf.int64)[0],
self._population.scatter_nd_add(neighs_coords, updates)
flashing_coords = tf.where(tf.greater(self._population, self._nine))
# Finally, any octopus that flashed during this step has its energy level set to 0, as it used all of its energy to flash.
indices = tf.where(tf.equal(self._flashmap, self._one))
if tf.greater(tf.size(indices), 0):
shape = tf.shape(indices, tf.int64)
updates = tf.repeat(self._zero, shape[0])
self._population.scatter_nd_update(indices, updates)
# tf.print(step, self._population, summarize=-1)
return self._counter
The code is the precise implementation of the puzzle instructions, the comments are part of the original puzzle text and after every comment, there’s the equivalent TensorFlow implementation.
Here we go!
steps = tf.constant(100, tf.int64)
flash_counter = FlashCounter(population, steps)
tf.print("Part one: ", flash_counter())
Part one is solved! Let’s see what part two is about.
Design phase: part 2
The propagation of the flashes causes a nice phenomenon: the octopuses are synchronizing! For example
After step 194:
After step 195:
Part two asks us to determine the first step during which all the octopuses flash.
Part two implementation
Our algorithm already models the population behavior, hence we already have implemented all we need to solve part two.
In fact, part two solution is identical to part 1 solution with the for
loop replaced with a while
. In part one, we have a fixed number of steps, instead this time we re-use the counter
variable to keep track of how many steps we performed until the while condition holds.
def find_sync_step(self):
# use count as step
while tf.logical_not(tf.reduce_all(tf.equal(self._population, self._zero))):
# First, the energy level of each octopus increases by 1.
# [ very same code of previous solution, omitted!]
# Full version:
Since we re-used the same internal status of the FlashCounter
class, we have two options. Create a new object for invoking the find_sync_step
or speeding up the computation knowing that our search starts from step 100
used to solve part 1.
tf.print("Part two: ", steps + flash_counter.find_sync_step())
Here we go! Challenge 11 is solved in pure TensorFlow pretty easily.
You can see the complete solution in folder 11
on the dedicated Github repository:
Solving this problem has, once again, demonstrated how TensorFlow can be used to solve any kind of programming problem, and how we can think of TensorFlow as a different programming language, especially if we are able to write pure TensorFlow programs (hence tf.function
graph-converted functions).
If you missed the articles about the previous days’ solutions, here’s a handy list:
The next article will be about my solution to Day 12 problem. In that article I’ll show how to work with graphs in the “traditional” way: no neural networks, only an adjacency matrix, and a search algorithm implemented using recursion. However, tf.function
can’t be used to write recursive functions :( hence I end up writing a pure TensorFlow eager solution.
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